Clutter Quiz: Ask Yourself These 4 Questions To Help Clean Out Your Closet

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If your closet is anything like ours, you're probably stepping on shoes as you walk in and searching for shirts and blouses scattered on the ground or falling off of hangers. And while you might know that you have a black-and-white polka dot blouse in your closet, whether or not you can actually find it is the real issue. 

Two studio audience members, a married couple, named Betsy and Mark, definitely know the feeling. 

They chose to share their storage space issue during a segment with pro organizer Peter Walsh, and let's just say, the entire audience (and likely viewers) were able to laugh and relate. 

Rachael Ray Show

Although the images of Betsy's closet speak for themselves in terms of her clutter (she even admitted to having the sweater she was wearing in a bunch of colors but only being able to locate the one currently on her), Peter gives her a "quiz" of four questions to ask herself when determining what to get rid of and keep while organizing the closet space — and provided some solutions, too, of course.

First off, don't "fall prey to the idea that more is better," Peter says. You might think, "If I have more clothes, I will have more choices" — but with more, you feel overwhelmed and spend money on stuff you already have. 

So, when it comes to clothing, ask yourself four simple questions: 

1. Have I worn it in the last year or season? 

Look through your closet and pull out those work pants, jackets and dressy tops. Now think about the number of times you've worn these items in the past year, or even in the last season. 

Of course, if you're looking at a tank top that is solely for spring and summer, and it's winter, it might have been a while, but if you know you don't wear it often when in season, it's time to toss it.

2. Does it fit me now? 

It's no secret that bodies change as you get older, and you might not be able to fit into something you used to live and breathe in. (And that's okay!) If a piece of clothing no longer fits comfortably, it might be time to let it go. Holding onto it just takes up valuable storage space. Instead, find new clothes that fit you comfortably and make you feel confident. 

3. Do I feel good in it? 

Speaking of confidence, of course you want to feel amazing in your clothes! If you are keeping ill-fitting pants or super tight dresses that feel uncomfortable or restrictive and don't make you feel like you're strutting down a catwalk when you're wearing them, it might be time to say goodbye and make way for something new.

4. Do I get compliments when I wear it?

While your decision to wear clothing should be more about your own personal choice, style and comfort, who doesn't love a compliment — right?


- Take note of "the lower third rule," Peter says. You wear 20 percent of your clothes 80 percent of the time. "You love them, wash them, put them back in your closet. The lower third in your closet you never wear," Peter says.

So, take the lower third out, and you will see you don't wear them. When you do purge them, you can give the clothes to people who can benefit from them, too.

- Standardize hangers to make everything cleaner and organized. After all, department stores have all the same hangers and store items the same way for a reason — so clothes look better and are more accessible.