Former Football Player (+ Current Baseball Player) Tim Tebow Admits He Watches One More Than The Other

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You know the incredible Tim Tebow as a former football player and current baseball player for the New York Mets, but did you know he's also a New York Times best-selling author?

He chatted with Rach and gave her the scoop on his new book (his 4th!), This Is the Day, and his recent hand injury (it's healing well!).

But first, she couldn't resist asking about his sports-watching habits. Does he still watch even though he's on the field?

He still watches sports, he says, though probably football more than baseball.

"I love playing baseball, but we all know every now and then it can get a little slow when you watch it," he admits.

LOL, fair enough!

And what's his go-to sports-watching snack? Guacamole! But, he says, he's on a ketogenic diet, so he dips cucumber slices in the guac.

Rach wasn't so sure about his lack of cheat foods, though.

"We can't agree about everything," she jokes.

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