How To Eat Like a Doctor

Healthy Living - By on

Rumor has it that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what does *the doctor* eat in a day?

Dr. Ian Smith takes us behind the scenes to reveal what he eats for his three meals. (Watch in the video above!)

For starters, Dr. Ian follows the 70/30 rule: 70% healthy, 30% fun. And he starts with the fun!


He starts his day off with good old-fashioned pancakes, bacon and a glass of OJ. (Yum!)


For lunch, he has a whole grain pasta (Dr. Ian says this is better than refined pasta because whole grain has phytonutrients) topped with chicken for protein and cherry tomatoes.

"Cherry tomatoes [are] full of antioxidants, as you can tell by the color," the doctor says. "With some lycopene for men, [which is] important because it help protects the prostate."


Dr. Ian's favorite meal to eat out or cook is grilled salmon on a bed of root vegetables with a lemon caper sauce. He says the dish has tons of protein, omega 3 fats, and all those veggies, of course.


As for a simple snack? Cucumber, feta and watermelon on skewers. The doc likes it because it's low-calorie with high water content, crisp and refreshing AND the flavors go extremely well together!