Kate Beckinsale Did GOAT YOGA For Her Birthday — And She Can't Say Enough Good Things About It

Celebs - By on

Like Rach, the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale — who made Rach her signature Creamy Eggs on Avocado Toast when she visited — celebrated a birthday over the summer!

And while Rach spent her birthday with celeb pals and PUPPIES, Kate spent hers with another type of animal friend…


"One of the things I did was goat yoga," Kate tells Rach.

"It's fascinating," Rach chimes in. "You do yoga poses and you let baby goats climb all over you."

Like, literally:

"To me that sounds like such a good idea," Kate continues.

In fact, even her daughter joins in on the fun! (Scroll through to the second photo in the Instagram above for proof.)

Uhm, where can we sign up? (Rach was ALL IN, too.)

Rach did have one question, though — does it hurt?

"A tiny bit, but it's worth it," the actress insists. "They've got little socks on so that they don't make your back bleed."

Well, that's a relief, isn't it?