Is Rachael Releasing a New Cookbook? She Says She's Already Working On It In Quarantine

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Rachael often says she writes everything in notebooks, from recipes to doodles. And while her latest cookbook, Rachael Ray 50: Memories and Meals from a Sweet and Savory Life only came out about a year ago, it seems her fans are already hungry for more!

Well, good news! When one viewer asked whether Rach is planning to write any new cookbooks, she revealed that one is currently in the works.

Q: "Are you going to be writing any new cookbooks in the future?"
— Susan, viewer, via Facebook

A: "I'm writing a book right now, and it's about this year," Rachael says. "It's similar to Rachael Ray 50 — it's a collection of 15-20 essays about what we've been through, and of course it will include recipes as well. So yes!"