Rachael Reveals the Inspiration Behind New Cookbook She's Writing

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If you've made your way through Rachael's latest books, Rachael Ray 50 and This Must Be The Place—though they are gifts that keep on giving—and are hungry for more, we have great news! 

A viewer asked Rach, "Will there be a cookbook with dishes from Tuscany?" And you're going to love her answer. 

"Yes! I am actually writing it right now," Rachael says. "Funny thing about that is it's about building our home there. My last book, our last book, was all about the pandemic and our house burning down and rebuilding and all that. This book is about building our home in Italy, and it is a collection of a lot of recipes that I cook when I am in Italy—for our anniversary—over the years. It's also got international foods because our friends and neighbors that live in Italy want to eat food other than Italian food, so they ask me to bring Korean food, Mexican food...Chinese food. So we will have some international recipes in the Tuscan cookbook, as well."

We. can't. wait.