Rachael Shares Update On Rebuilding Home After House Fire: "There's a footprint of a house again"

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Rachael and John have received an outpouring of love and support from viewers, friends and loved ones since they tragically lost their home to a house fire in August 2020. Now, the pair are answering a question that has been asked by many viewers who of course send their love.

Q: "What are your plans to rebuild your house?"

A: Rach and John reveal that while the plans are "well underway," it will probably take close to a year to complete.

"They took it all away and that was very hard," Rach says. "We had to watch out the back window while we were making the show with you guys."

"They took big burnt pieces of our house away … [for] two weeks almost," John adds.

"Then there was a giant rectangular hole in the ground that looked like the abyss," Rachael continues. "Now they're doing the outside framing, so it looks like there's a footprint of a house again which is great. But there won't be a house finished there until probably next May."