Should You Have Separate Business and Personal Social Media Accounts?

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Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran knows pretty much everything there is to know about running a successful business. So when one of our viewers asked her whether he should have separate business and personal social media accounts, of course the self-made millionaire had a great answer.

Q: I own my own business — I'm a feng shui architect — and I use the same social media account for both my personal and my business posts. Should I separate them? 

RD, studio audience member

A: "So much of a business like that is your personality. That's what people buy into. So it's difficult to say separate it totally, put a wall between it — which is usually the best advice for any businessman, to separate personal and business, I believe," Barbara says.

RELATED: Work-Life Balance: How "Shark Tank" Star Barbara Corcoran Does It

In RD's case, she does think he should have two different accounts, one personal and one for his business. She says that he should use his best judgement, of course, but that sometimes he can post more personal things that aren't strictly about business on his business account.

"For example, if you're going to take your grandmother out for dinner, that's not appropriate to be posting on your business account. But if you're at Starbucks reading design magazines on your Saturday morning, that's quite appropriate," Barbara says.

"Definitely separate them, but let a little bit of your personality leak over into your business account."