The Story Behind 20-Year-Old Chef Flynn McGarry Who's Called "The Justin Bieber Of Food"

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Known as the "Justin Bieber of food" (a moniker coined by Teen Vogue back in 2015), it's no surprise that 20-year-old chef Flynn McGarry is now the subject of the new documentary "Chef Flynn." (Who isn't intrigued by his story?)

With his very own tasting menu restaurant called Gem on the Lower East Side in New York City, Chef Flynn is nothing short of what many called him early in his career — a teen chef sensation.

"I started cooking when I was 10," Flynn tells us. "I was interested in it, but I didn't actually make dishes when I started cooking."

"I was sort of obsessed with how to sauté something or learn all the basics," he continues.

Chef Flynn attributes his passion for cooking to his parents' lack thereof. (Thanks, Mom and Dad McGarry!)

And by the time he was 12, he was creating 10-course tasting menus and serving 20 people in his living room. Incredible!

Now, he has a restaurant of his own named Gem — an homage to his mother, Meg. (Yup, it's her name spelled backwards. So sweet, right?)  

Luckily for us, Chef Flynn whipped up one of his specialties right on our show! Get his Warm Spiced Pork Ragu with Cavatelli recipe here.