We Helped One Woman Rediscover Her Moxie With a Makeover Featuring Items From Rach's New Online Shop

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In case you haven't heard, Rachael has some pretty exciting news!

She recently launched an online shop called Moxie Made, which showcases carefully curated items from female-founded brands that Rach loves — as well as her own brand new handbag line, Convalore!

Convalore means "with valor," and the Convalore bags and belts are available exclusively on the shop. To help celebrate the launch, we gave one deserving viewer a moxie makeover.

Meet Crista! She's a 30-year-old pediatric emergency room doctor with an understandably hectic schedule.

She's focused on saving lives, so her social life and her wardrobe have taken a backseat.

As a doctor, her every day uniform consists of scrubs and sneakers — so she doesn't have to think about picking out stylish outfits or even pay attention to what colors go together. This helps her get out the door and into the hospital as quickly as possible, but Crista admits she doesn't have much interest in shopping when she does have a few hours to herself.

"Residency was crazy long hours, and when you were free on the weekend, you didn't really want to spend it shopping the whole time — you wanted to see your friends, wanted to see your family," Crista explains. "So I never really tried to figure out what my own style is. It's whatever I can find at the store, whatever is comfortable, easy and will look ok."

Now that she's 30, though, she's ready and willing to try new things when it comes to her style.

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"This is the perfect time for a makeover for me," Crista says. "I'm in a new city to continue my medical training and I want to spend a little bit more time on me, on socializing, on relationships and really getting myself out there."

Rach enlisted style expert Gretta Monahan, who worked with Crista to help her embrace her moxie and show off her shape. Above all, though, Rach wanted to make sure that Crista feels comfortable!

"Part of moxie — in fact I think the entire definition of moxie — is feeling authentic," Rach says. "Being yourself."

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Gretta picked out clothing, jewelry and accessories featured on Rach's online shop, including a handbag from Rach's new line, Convalore.

"She looks amazing — but more importantly, she feels so good," Gretta teases. "She found her moxie!"

Watch the video above to see how Crista reacted to her new look, and shop the featured pieces below!

Rachael Ray Show

BAG – Convalore

TOP – Glenn + Glenn

SKIRT – Glenn + Glenn

SCARF – Lexicon of Style

EARRINGS – Cynthia Desser

NECKLACE – Deepa Gurnani


WRAP BRACELET – Cynthia Desser

CUFF – Cynthia Desser