What To Order At a Mexican Restaurant If You're Trying To Be Healthy, According To a Dietitian

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Jaclyn "Jackie" London is a dietitian, Nutrition Director for Good Housekeeping and author of the new book, Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked).

Even with all of that on her plate (ha!), Jackie still enjoys going out to eat. But whether she's dining in at a restaurant or ordering take-out, the dietician has a few rules she likes to follow.

When eating at a Mexican restaurant, for example, Jackie says it's totally possible to enjoy a delicious meal without going overboard.

Her first tip? Tell your waiter or waitress to bring the chips and salsa out with the meal, rather than before, Jackie says. This way, you won't even have the option of filling up on chips before your main course arrives — and you can focus on actually enjoying the guac or salsa, rather than just mindlessly snacking on plain chips.

Then, for your main meal, order fajita veggies or tacos. "Either way, load up on those veggies," Jackie advises.

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In general when ordering, Jackie says to look for items on the menu that are prepared "a la plancha" (Spanish for grilled) or "alla griglia" (Italian for grilled), because those are going to be the dishes that are the best choices for you health-wise.

"Skip the breading, skip the deep fried and skip the rice and the sour cream," Jackie says. "Those are just fillers. Get the good stuff!"