What TV Shows Does Rachael Binge-Watch?

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When people have questions for Rach, they're usually food-related (obviously!), but it's always fun when we get to learn about Rach's other hobbies and interests.

She's talked about some of her favorite shows before, like when a studio audience member asked Rachael what she was binge-watching.

Q: "What is your favorite show that you're currently binge-watching?"

— Alicia, studio audience member

A: "I love 'Counterpart,'" Rach says. "The last show I watched straight through was 'Ozark.'"

Season three of 'Ozark' recently hit Netflix, and Rachael says she and John have already watched it all.

"John said, 'Can't we take a break? My eyes are bleeding,' and I said, 'No, you can not — there's only one left!'" Rach recalls. 

Other faves include "Curb Your Enthusiasm," "Better Call Saul," "Killing Eve" and "Law and Order."

"We love crime shows. We watch 'Law and Order' all the time. It keeps me company in the kitchen," Rach says.

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"I binge-watch a lot of stuff," she adds. Rachael writes all her ideas for the show, books, her magazine and more in notebooks, which means she eventually has to copy everything over from paper onto the computer.

On those days, when she has to "mindlessly transcribe from notebooks into the computer," Rach says that she sits by herself — but she has TV and her dog, Isaboo to keep her company.

"I love to put on a show in the background when I do days like that — build a fire, Isaboo all curled up ... nice and warm like a little heater."

Sounds like an ideal day in to us.

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