White Pepper vs Black Pepper—What's the Difference? Rachael Explains

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If you're thinking about trying white pepper in an upcoming recipe instead of black pepper, but are curious as to how that will impact the flavor, Rach has you covered. Not only does the essential spice come in white and black varieties, but there are also many other types, all of which have slightly different tastes.  

"White, pink, green, Sichuan—there [are] all different kinds of peppercorn, like little berries, of course," explains Rach.  

When should you cook with white pepper? 

Rach says she uses white pepper in veal dishes and sometimes in chicken and pork dishes. She also always uses it in white sauces to keep them white and light. 

"It is softer. It's a more even flavor in your mouth and it's very earthy," she says. "It's a mellow, slow burn versus a POP." 

And no matter which variety you're cooking with, Rach reveals a secret to allowing pepper to achieve depth of flavor.  

Rach's Pro Tip: "When you dry [pepper], the characteristics really come out. And when you toast it, the flavor gets stronger. Anytime you toast spice in general...you're developing their flavor to the fullest," according to Rach.