Will It Be Harder To Get Pregnant After I Take Out My IUD? An OBGYN Answers

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If you use an IUD and wonder if doing so will affect your future fertility, you're not the first.

One of our viewers who has had an IUD for five years now says she and her husband are considering having a baby within the next year or so. And she wants to be prepared for any effect her IUD could have on their ability to conceive even after taking it out. 

So we asked OBGYN and author of The Queen V: Everything You Need to Know about Sex, Intimacy, and Down There Health Care, Dr. Jackie Walters, to weigh in.

Q: Will having an IUD now affect my ability to get pregnant later?

A: "The good news about IUDs is they're about 99% effective if they're inserted properly and in the timeline that you have. But if you remove your IUD, you're typically fertile the next month, so there's no transition period needed. If you're not really trying to get pregnant, don't take it out." 

— Dr. Jackie