The Toilet Paper Debate Has Been Settled, Once and for All!

Life - By on

There's a toilet paper debate that's about as old as time itself (or you know,160 years old, as TP was invented in the mid-1800s):

Should the roll be placed forward, so you pull down from the top, or backwards, so you tug the paper through from behind?

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If you and your plus-one tend to sit on opposite sides of the aisle on this one, trust us, you're not the only couple!

Anita and John have been married for 40 years, but they came on our show to hash out the one thing they still can't agree on — toilet paper roll placement.

"Early on in our marriage, he told me that I was putting the toilet paper on the fixture incorrectly," says Anita with a laugh.

"It was a condition of marriage!" says John (only half-kidding!).

John adds, "While you're sitting there with your reading material, it's much easier to tear a sheet off one-handed."

Well, to that, Rach could only insist that no one should be reading on the toilet anyway!

But fortunately, Dr. Drew was in the house (settling family feuds before the holidays, naturally), and he came prepared with the objective, definitive answer — the U.S. patent from 1891!

Rachael Ray Show


The verdict, according to the patent? The roll should be facing forward — not backwards.

Sorry, John — and everyone else on the wrong side of the debate!