We Surprised Audience Member Who Hadn't Gotten Haircut In 7 Years With a Makeover + Her Mom Was Blown Away

Life - By on

You never know what surprises we have up our sleeve here at the “Rachael Ray” show!

Just ask studio audience member Kellie, who we made over in under an hour after snatching her from her seat in our audience holding room right before taping our show. (Hehe.)

"When I hear Rachael Ray say my name, I’m in absolute shock," says Kellie, who hadn’t had a haircut in SEVEN years.

"I'm so excited for my daughter to have a makeover today," Kellie’s mother, Sally, added. "She’s been dreaming of this for a long time."

Because we were on a major time crunch, we enlisted the help of our friend and stylist Kyan Douglas to Get. It. Done.

And that, he did!

Watch the big reveal in the video above! (Sally’s reaction is the absolute cutest. ? )

But wait, we didn’t stop there! (What can we say? We were feeling super generous!)

We sent not one -- but two -- studio audience members to the Bahamas for 4 days, 3 nights.

What a day!