Just in Case You Ever Lose Your Wallet, Make Sure You Do THIS

Life - By on

A lost wallet is everyone’s worst nightmare -- but what if we told you there’s something you can do right now to ensure you’ll have everything under control if it ever happens to you?

Well, the nightmare recently became a reality for our friend and organizing pro Peter Walsh -- but thankfully, he was prepared!

"Once a year, I lay all of my credit cards -- and even my health insurance card -- out on the kitchen counter," Peter explains. "And I use my phone and I take a photograph of both the front and the back."

So, when the organizing guru lost his wallet, he was able to look back on the photos he had taken and make quick phone calls to his card companies to notify them of his lost possessions.

(Because who remembers everything important that was in their wallet when they're panicked?!)


And that's not all the wisdom Peter shared! Watch the video above to see what he does every time he uses his wallet to ensure he doesn't leave any cards behind.