How to Whitewash a Brick Wall

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If there’s ever a thrifty way to brighten up a whole room, we’re all ears!

Which is why when Sherry and John -- Rachael Ray viewers and creators of the blog Young House Love -- gave us a tour of the home they’ve made over themselves on a budget, we HAD to know how they whitewashed their brick wall without breaking the bank.

"This wall was dark reddish brown," Sherry says. "It made the whole room feel like a cave."

Rachael Ray Show

Nobody wants that!

So, Sherry and John simple bought a can of paint ($20 for the whole wall!), filled a container half with paint and half with water, then got to brushing. And that was that!

Rachael Ray Show

What a difference! And they certainly didn’t stop there.

Watch the video above to see what other tricks they had up their sleeves. (The built-in bookcases are impressive, and their alternative for expensive kitchen cabinets is genius.)