How To Figure Out The Best Time of Day to Have Sex, Sleep, Exercise and Eat for Your Personality Type

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Did you know there is a right time of day to do just about anything, and that knowing what that time is could help you have better sex, better sleep and even lose weight? Well, at least according to Dr. Michael Breus, author of new book The Power of When.

Knowing "when" is the ultimate life-hack, but in order to use this hack you first have to determine your chronotype, he explains, and everyone falls under one of these four chronotypes: lions, bears, wolves or dolphins.


  • Overachieving health nuts
  • Seek positive interaction
  • Type-A personality
  • Morning people


(People in this category make up 55% of the population!)

  • Easy-going, open-minded extroverts
  • Tend to wake up in a daze
  • Gregarious and fun to hang out with


  • Emotionally intense
  • Risk-takers and pleasure seekers
  • Night people
  • Creative


  • Cautious introverts
  • Neurotic and intelligent
  • Often insomniacs
  • Perfectionists

Click here to take Dr. Breus' chronotype quiz to find out which one you are, then read on below to see what time of day works best for you.


  • Have sex in the morning
    • Morning testosterone is highest within the first hour or two of waking, and sexual desire is strongest. It'll also give you a dose of oxytocin, making you peaceful and calm as you start the day.
  • Exercise in the evening
    • While you might prefer to exercise at dawn, it's better for you to hold off until evening. Exercise will give you an energy boost by raising blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol when you really need it. Exercising outside is an added bonus because the remaining sunlight will help regulate circadian rhythms before bed.
  • Eat dinner in the evening
    • You should eat earlier in the evening, around 5:30-6:30PM. Both your level of energy and blood sugar drop rapidly, so giving you blood sugar should boost your energy early, and eventually help you fall asleep when it wears off.
  • What to eat for dinner:
    • Dr. Breus says to go for protein and healthy fats. He says carbs will affect you like a sleeping pill. Because you have no problems falling asleep, you can stick to a protein-based, smaller meal.


  • Have sex in the morning
    • Morning testosterone is highest within the first hour or two of waking, and sexual desire is strongest. It'll also give you a dose of oxytocin, making you peaceful and calm as you start the day.
  • Exercise in the morning
    • Dr. Breus says to elevate your heart rate immediately upon waking. If you wait too long, you may talk yourself out of it. If you can exercise outside, the exposure to sunlight will help wake you up.
  • Eat dinner at night
    • You should eat dinner on the later side, between 7:30 and 9PM. This will help you avoid late-night bingeing.
  • What to eat for dinner:
    • You should eat your largest meal in the morning, and lunch should be half that size with dinner being your smallest meal of the day. Choose something filling like soup or stew with a side salad.


  • Have sex at night
    • You're in your best mood at this time of the day. You also tend to snack a lot at night which adds to a heavier waistline. Dr. Breus says having sex will give you feel-good hormones so you don't need to get them from food.
  • Exercise in the evening
    • You tend to get an evening energy surge. Your muscle strength, flexibility, heart and lung efficiency are at their max.
  • Eat dinner at night
    • You should eat dinner on the later side, between 7:30 and 9PM. This will help you avoid late-night bingeing.
  • What to eat for dinner:
    • You need carbs, but since you're eating later, don't go as heavy as pasta. A lean protein with a side of potatoes is the perfect meal for you.


  • Have sex at night:
    • Dr. Breus says a couple of hours before bed is optimal. Because you're often an insomniac, sex will have soothing benefits and will help make a positive association with "bed."
  • Exercise in the morning
    • You tend to wake up with low cortisol levels, so exercise can help wake you up.
  • Eat dinner in the evening
    • You should eat earlier in the evening, around 5:30-6:30PM. Both your level of energy and blood sugar drop rapidly, so giving you blood sugar should boost your energy early, and eventually help you fall asleep when it wears off.
  • What to eat for dinner:
    • Since you have trouble sleeping, you should eat high-carb meals to spike serotonin and calm you down before bed.