We Had a Chef Test Drive This DNA Diet Test

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As they say, you are what you eat!

But what if you knew how to optimize your diet in a way that is truly specific to you?

Enter DNAFit. It’s one of the many new DNA tests that analyzes your genes so you can make the best choices when it comes to your health and fitness.

"The goal of this is to supply the tester with info about their genes, so that they can predict the person's reaction to certain types of nutritional consumption,” our friend Dr. Ian explains. “With that information, you can make changes to your lifestyle and eating habits to live a healthier life."

Sign us up!

Well, actually, we signed someone else up instead — chef Richard Blais!

The results came back, and fortunately for Richard, he had no sensitivities to carbs, fat or lactose. (Lucky man!) But his genes did teach him three things he needs to look out for — all of which are relatively common issues!


Dr. Ian told Richard, "This is saying that because of your genotype, you’re predisposed to high blood pressure, so you’re sensitive to salt and need to cut back on it."

"Now, high blood pressure is really common," says Ian, "and in some cases people assume they do or do not have a problem based on their parents, but a lot of lifestyle factors can contribute to that, so by knowing this based on your genes, you can restrict consumption earlier and stop the problem before it starts."

Smart thinking, doc!


Antioxidants are important because they help fight free radicals in our bodies that cause disease. Some people need more and some people need less in order to fight off those free radicals — in the case of Richard, he needs more, the test says. Dr. Ian's solution? Adds foods that are high in vitamins A, C, and E to your diet, as they all contain antioxidants.


If you lack the gene that helps you produce the enzyme that helps you detox naturally — as Richard does — then, Dr. Ian says, you're going to want to stock up on those cruciferous veggies! In particular, cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts promote your body’s natural ability to remove dangerous toxins.

Pretty cool, right?

Richard was so inspired, he whipped himself two recipes based on his results — Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Broccoli Topped Pesto and Chicken and Walnut Stew with Cauliflower Rice.

Of course, everyone is unique, so everyone's results will be different. But for anyone considering a DNA test for nutritional purposes, Dr Ian leaves you with one parting thought: "You have to make sure you understand it. For instance, Richard’s test showed he’s got a sensitivity to caffeine. That doesn’t mean he’ll be bouncing off the walls if he drinks it. It’s actually more serious because this sensitivity means that if he has too much, it could start to affect his bone density."

So make sure you read your results carefully — and even share them with your doctor so he or she can break them down for you!