Save Money This Holiday Season with 6 Easy and Elegant DIY Gifts

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If you're a little strapped for cash this holiday season, but you still want to give lovely gifts to your friends and family, why not make your own? Read on for six projects that cost very little but carry a big wow factor!

1. Etch Your Own Glass

This project results in truly beautiful glass gifts. Just pick up some decorative glassware like vases (even at a dollar store) and simply stencil designs with glass etching solution onto the outside. So pretty!

Tip: Make sure to wear gloves so you don't burn your hands with the solution.

2. Upcycle Simple Knickknacks with Metallics

What says the holidays like metallic décor? Nate Berkus shows you how to take a basic white vase or bowl and paint it with a simple geometric pattern in a metallic paint to give it a whole new sparkle.

3. DIY Pedestal Plate

This is a super easy gift you can DIY with just a little time. To make a simple and super inexpensive tiered serving station, just hot glue an inverted sundae bowl onto the bottom of a plate.

4. Cinnamon Stick Candle

This is such a cute and easy idea! Just buy a basic white pillar candle and some cinnamon sticks. Attach them to the outside of your candle with a rubber band and twine, then tie on some bells or other adornments! So cute and easy!

5. Upcycle a Painting to Make a Statement

Find an old painting in your garage or at a thrift store. Designer Nicole Gibbons shows you how to affix letter stickers to it that spell out a message of your choosing, and then paint over in white. When you remove the stickers, you’ll see your message pop out in the background color of the original painting!

6. DIY Moisturizing Sugar Scrub

Dr. Whitney Bowe visited us recently to share a myriad of DIY skincare ideas. She suggests mixing coconut oil and sugar to make a super-hydrating exfoliating scrub. How easy (and inexpensive) is that?