How to Stop Impulsively Overspending and Finally Get Out of Credit Card Debt Once and For All

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Overspending is something we've all been guilty of—whether it's dinner at a fancy restaurant or ordering that expensive shirt online that you don't really need. It happens. But, when it becomes a routine, you'll start to notice that it becomes harder and harder to save money and easier to rack up credit card debt instead. 

One teacher—and self-proclaimed overspender—from Lake St. Louis, Missouri, knows the feeling. Her spending habits landed her in over $11,000 of credit card debt, so she came to us for help—and that's where frugal living expert Lauren Greutman comes in with her tricks for stopping overspending in its tracks. 

Pay yourself twice a month.  

If you have a tendency to spend all your money when your paycheck comes once a month, Lauren recommends opening a separate account, so that when your paycheck comes in, you can put half of it into that separate account to use later in the month.  

"You can also call any of your bill providers—internet, car payment, etc.—and ask them if your bills can hit on certain days," Lauren explains. "So maybe you try to pay some bills right after you get your paycheck and some bills in the middle of the month after you 'pay' yourself again."   

Use the Qube app and debit card to budget.  

Racking up credit card debt? It's crucial to free up money that can go towards that in order to start paying it off. The best way Lauren recommends doing that? Budgeting.  

"There are a lot of apps that can help you budget, but one I really like is called Qube, which pairs with debit cards, that is basically a digital cash envelope system. You set up spending categories in "qubes" and put money in those qubes," Lauren says. "When you make a purchase, you open that qube, use the debit card, and then that money comes out of that qube."  

This app is unique from most other budgeting apps because it holds you accountable for the transaction in the moment, as opposed to after the fact—which definitely makes it superior.   

Meal plan with freezer meals. 

Your meals are a place where it's incredibly easy to overspend. So, meal prepping can be the key to staying on top of your spending. One downside of meal prepping, though, is you can often be looking at eating the same meal multiple nights in a row, which can get pretty boring, so here's where Lauren's tip comes in.  

"What I'll do is prep one meal that has four servings, and then divide it in two and put half of it in the freezer. So, I eat that two nights in a row, and then the other two servings are there for me later," she explains.  

"I'd suggest prepping three meals on a Sunday, and freezing half of each, so you can eat each meal twice that week and twice the next week. That covers six nights each week, and you can treat yourself to takeout or go out to a restaurant on the 7th night," Lauren says.  

And if you're not sure where to start when looking for recipes, some budget-friendly options Lauren loves are spaghetti and meatballs, chicken and rice bowls, and chili!