Melissa Rivers on Mom Joan: I Can Feel Her Presence

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by Lisa Lozano

When Melissa Rivers stops by to visit Rachael and talk about her late mother, the legendary comedian Joan Rivers, she reveals that she sometimes feels her mother’s presence – but only when she’s doing something her mother wouldn’t approve of!

Melissa laughs as she shares, “This is going to sound terrible, but it’s totally my mother. [I only feel her presence] when I’m doing something [that] I know she would disagree [with]. Like, she always hated when I had bangs. So the other day, I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll cut bangs again.’ And that night, I could hear her, ‘No bangs!’”

Rach and Melissa, joined by fitness expert Bob Harper, also chat about Joan’s star-studded and boundary-pushing funeral, as well as whether Melissa will take the hosting reins on her E! series Fashion Police.

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