Cheers! A Kentucky Derby-Inspired Dinner Party Menu

Food & Fun - By on

by Lisa Lozano

Every week we bring you a new menu for your weekend dinner parties. This week’s theme is the Kentucky Derby. Make sure you dress in your finest, and don’t forget the hat!

Bobby Flay’s Blackberry Bourbon Juleps

Rachael Ray Show

No Kentucky Derby party would be complete without the classic julep. Bobby Flay’s version uses fresh blackberries, mint and of course, Kentucky Bourbon.

Bourbon Dogs

Rachael Ray Show

Munch on these bourbon-glazed dogs while you watch the race.

Bobby Flay’s Kentucky Hot Brown

For the main course, we have the iconic open-face turkey sandwich, the Kentucky Hot Brown, as interpreted by Bobby Flay. How better to celebrate an iconic Kentucky event than with the state’s favorite dish?

Zooey Deschanel’s Mom’s Pecan Pie

Rachael Ray Show

For dessert, serve the Southern classic -- pecan pie. Zooey Deschanel’s family recipe is heavy on the pecans and features a drizzle of molasses on top.

So get your biggest and most ornate hat, invite your friends over, and watch the most exciting two minutes in sports!

*Stock photos have been used in cases where actual photos of the recipe were not available.