12 Affordable Skincare Products Rach’s Dermatologist SWEARS By

Rach's derm shares her tips for saving money on skincare + her favorite affordable products, from La Roche Posay's "prescription" retinol to Aquaphor.

Rach’s Derm Shares Tips for Saving Money on Skincare + Her Favorite Budget Products

Dr. Anne Chapas shares her top tips for saving money on skincare + the best affordable products you can find at drugstores, TJs or online.

Forget Q-Tips—Here’s The Right Way to Clean Out Your Ear Wax

Family physician Dr. Jen Caudle says you shouldn't be using a Q-tip to clean out your ear wax. Here's why + what you should do instead.

The Truth Behind The Age Old Warning That Swimming Right After Eating Is Dangerous

Turns out, you probably don't need to wait 30 minutes after eating to go swimming—family physician Dr. Jen Caudle explains why.

How To Clean a Wound, According to a Doctor

If you're reaching for hydrogren peroxide and rubbing alcohol to clean your wound, family physician Dr. Jen Caudle says think again.

Doctor Weighs In on Whether Gargling With Salt Water Really Helps a Sore Throat or Not

Family medicine physician Dr. Jen Caudle frequently gets asked whether gargling with salt water really helps a sore throat—here's her answer.

The Truth About "Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever" Saying

Family physician Dr. Jen Caudle addresses the age old expression "feed a cold, starve a fever."

The Truth About Cracking Your Knuckles (Can It Really Give You Arthritis?)

We asked Family physician Dr. Jen Caudle to weigh in on the warning many of us heard growing up—that cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.

Family Physician Sets the Record Straight On Popular Medical Advice

Family physician Dr. Jen Caudle reveals the truth about “old school” health advice many of us grew up hearing.

5 Popular Old Wives Tales We Grew Up Hearing That Aren't True (and one that is!)

Family physician Dr. Jen Caudle is frequently asked if these common “old school” expressions are actually true. Spoiler alert: most of them aren't.

Does Cracking Your Knuckles Actually Cause Arthritis?

You may have grown up hearing that cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis, but is that actually true? A doctor weighs in.

Is "Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever" Fact or Fiction? A Doctor Answers

We asked a doctor to weigh in on the age old expression "feed a cold, starve a fever."

You Should NOT Be Using a Q-Tip to Clean Out Ear Wax—Here's Why

Using Q-tips to clean out your ears can actually be harmful. A doctor explains why—and what to use instead.