7 Painting Hacks That Will Completely Change Your Next Project

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We've all been there this past year: You spend a little too much time staring at the walls of your house and suddenly decide, they could use a little something.

And by a little something, we mean a delicious fresh coat of paint.

We're with you! But we know that taking on the task of painting anything inside your home—walls, cabinets, furniture, even floors!—can be a little exhausting at times, especially if you're a newbie. 

Well, fret not: Our good friend, lifestyle expert Evette Rios, recently repainted her kitchen cabinets—as you do during quarantine, when you have a lot of time on your hands—and she was kind enough to share seven of her favorite painting hacks for getting the job done with ease, from hot hardware tips to one very nifty rubber band trick. 

Read on, DIY-ers! 


1. Always put your screws back into the hardware! That way, you know exactly what goes with what. Then, put all that hardware in a bag or container, so none of it gets lost. (You will definitely thank her for this one in the long run!) 

2. When shopping for brushes, choose an angled brush for guaranteed clean edges. 

3. If you want to keep your brushes forever, tape everything above the bristles! Your cleanup will be easy and your brush handles will stay pristine—even display-worthy! 

4. When painting directly out of the can—say, for small touch-ups—wrap a big rubber band around the can. Tightly secured, it can be used to wipe off excess liquid every time you dip, leaving you with just the dollop you need. 

5. If you're working on your kitchen and don't remove your cabinets, like Evette (in her case, the cabinets were old and she didn't want to damage them), make sure to wrap the hinges with painter's tape. This way, you'll be able to paint around them easily. 

6. If you're working on drawers and they're removable, pop them out and paint them outside. Not only does this offer you some fresh air (the better to diffuse paint fumes), but if you're painting with a partner, it gives you both more room to get down to business. 

7. Last but not least, if you're done painting for the day but think you're going to pick it back up soon, Evette says you can store your sponge roller and your paint brushes inside (separate!) plastic bags inside your fridge. They'll stay fresh and soft for you until your return (up to one week). 

BONUS PAINT TIP FROM EVETTE: The Best Way To Store Paint (which also happens to be super cute!)