Can Chia Seeds Actually Help You Lose Weight? A Doctor Answers

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We brought in physician Dr. Ian Smith to tackle some of the biggest health trends on social media, including fire cider and nature cereal. What about eating chia seeds for weight loss? 

Trend: Chia seeds in water are great for weight loss 

Dr. Ian says: Not a bad idea 

"Chia seeds are great because they absorb water. When you add chia seeds to water, let them sit for at least 3 to 4 hours, sometimes overnight, and when that happens, they expand," Dr. Ian explains.  

"So, the idea is very simple: when you put chia seeds into your body, they expand. Therefore, there's less room for food and more calories, so your body says, ‘I feel kind of full already,’ and ultimately less calories are consumed," he says.  

And another good thing about chia seeds is their fiber. "There's so much fiber, so two tablespoons of chia has about 10 grams of fiber, which is about 40% of what your recommended daily intake should be, so they make you full and they're healthy," Dr. Ian says.  

Here are some tasty chia seed recipes to try if you want to give this trend a go: 

Peanut Butter and Jelly Overnight Oats 

No-Bake Chocolate-Peanut Butter Oat Protein Balls 

Almond Butter-Banana Bread Granola Parfait 

Anti-Inflammatory Spa Smoothie 

Apple Pie Granola 

Just don’t go overboard, because too many chia seeds can cause some gastro issues, says Dr. Ian.