Cooking With Salt: Which Type Of Salt Does Rachael Use The Most? | Q & Ray + J

"You can go down a rabbit hole of what to do with your specialty salts," Rach says, "but the day to day, Kosher for cooking, flaky sea for finishing."

Knife Honing 101: Tips Every Chef Should Know | Chef Jet Tila

"One of the things every cook absolutely needs to know how to do is hone their knife," celebrity chef Jet Tila says. Get his tips!

Don't Worry About Which Onion You Use — Except If You're Making This

There are white onions, yellow onions, red onions + more (not to mention leeks & shallots) — so does it matter what kind you use? Rachael answers.

Onion Debate — Does It Matter What Kind You Use? | Q Ray & J

"Listen, if I have a white onion and I don't have a yellow-skinned onion, I use the white onion," Rach says. But there's one catch!

How To Clean Your Wood Cutting Boards The Rach Way

Rach's entire kitchen counter is made of butcher block, and she has a large collection of cutting boards. Here's what she uses to clean the wood surfaces.

What To Do With Leftover Frying Oil | Q & Ray & J

If the oil has debris in it, you should discard it, Rach says — and she explains how. But did you know you can sometimes use oil more than once?

Here's How Rach Handles Leftover Cooking Oil

How to dispose of cooking oil at home + when you can reuse frying oil, according to Rachael.

How To Clean Mushrooms: Why Rach Doesn't Use Running Water | Kitchen Basics

Why does Rachael wipe her mushrooms down to clean them instead of cleaning them under running water? She explains.

Rach Doesn't Wash Mushrooms Under Running Water — Here's What She Does

Is it "bad" to wash your mushrooms under running water? Nope, but here's why Rach prefers to wipe her mushrooms clean.

Basic Vinaigrette

With this vinaigrette recipe using pantry staples, you'll never need to buy another bottle of pre-made salad dressing again.

Are Broth & Stock Interchangeable? | Q & Ray + J

You're making a delicious soup recipe and it calls for chicken broth. You open your fridge and all you have is stock! Is your soup ruined? Rach answers!

How Rach Decides Whether To Chop, Grate, Slice Or Smash Garlic Cloves | Q & Ray & J

What determines whether you chop, grate, slice, or smash the garlic clove? Rach explains how she usually decides.

When To Chop, Grate, Slice Or Smash Garlic Cloves, According To Rach

How do you know when to chop, grate, slice or smash garlic cloves? There's really only one determining factor, Rach says.