As the coronavirus pandemic continues, our lives are still changing — in ways big and small. While the world is collectively moving through the stages of grief, there are also shared silver linings. The sense of connectedness that has emerged as a result of this crisis serves as a reminder that no matter where you land on the map, you'll always find kindness and resilience right outside your door. The collective nightly cheering ritual that started in Wuhan, China, for example, has since taken off across the globe. Every night at 7 PM in New York City, without fail, you'll hear a high energy outburst of cheers and applause in support of front-line workers that lasts for several minutes.
There has been an outpouring of sweet animal videos, new baby stories and more good news all over the internet. (Check out a round-up of some of our favorite good news stories here.)
And speaking of the internet, it also provides another very clear indicator of the national and international mood(s) over the past months: Google search trends!
These search trends tell a story we can probably all identify with — the various stages of the pandemic as experienced (from our homes!) around the globe.
March 20: "Are fast food restaurants open today" search is up 3,950% in New York State.
If your first reaction is to get a burger and fries, that's not exactly denial… is it?

March 20: "Will grocery stores be open tomorrow" search is up 3,550% over the past day in California.
Because honestly, no one was sure at this point!

March 23: "Sewing face masks" search is up 4,900% over the past week in the US.
Cue the twentysomethings trying to remember our very minimal sewing skills from high school home economics.

March 24: "Who will receive stimulus checks?" search is up 3,350% over the past week in the US.
We definitely typed this into the search bar ourselves.

March 25: "How to cut own hair men's" search is 5x the past week in the US.
Sometimes, it's the little things we take for granted — like regular trips to the barbershop for the men in our lives!

March 26: "Thank you essential workers," "clap NHS workers," and "how to help others during coronavirus" searches are all way up worldwide.

March 30: "Binge-Watching" search hits an all-time high in the US.
Here's what Rachael and John are binge-watching!

March 30: "When is school opening back up?" search is up 4,050% over the past day in the US.
Because kids gotta learn! (And this is a lot of quality time spent at home with the family, if we're being honest… ?)

March 30: "Baby Shark Wash Your Hands" search is up 700% around the world.
Does this count as at-home learning?

March 31: "Coronavirus tips for workplace" search is up 600% around the world.
Guess it's about time to start adapting to the whole work-from-home setup, huh?

April 1: "Wine delivery service" searches are up 850% over the past month in the United States.
We were right there with you, stocking up on *all* the necessities. Because wine not? ? ?
(Always drink responsibly, of course!)

April 2: "Good News" search is at an all-time high in the US.
Looks like we weren't alone in needing a break from the regular news cycle. (Good news about good news! ?)

April 2: "Foods that boost immune system" searches have tripled over the past day in the US.
Give us all the vitamin C, please!

April 3: "Meditation" search reaches an all-time high worldwide."
We'll just be here, trying to find our zen.

April 6: "Tiger with coronavirus" search is up 4,900% over the past day in the US.
Wait, even zoo animals can get it? Ahhhhhh.

April 7: "Instant noodles" search reaches an all-time high worldwide.
Relatable, TBH. Even for us, this past month has seen a lot of cooking!

April 8: "New way to shake hands" is a breakout search in the US.
Where did we land on this one, by the way? Have we reached a consensus on bumping elbows?

April 8: "Foster a dog near me" search reaches an all-time high in the US.
THIS is the kind of good news that makes us smile! ?❤️ (Also, more puppy pics, please.)

April 9: "Cooking" search hits an all-time high worldwide.
With restaurants closed, even the most cooking challenged among us were suddenly interested in baking bread, making homemade pasta and cooking our favorite family recipes from scratch. (So basically we were all still trying to be productive at some point, right? ?)

April 9: "When will things get back to normal" search is up 4,250% worldwide.
Well, it's a fair question!!

April 10, 2020: "Insomnia" search hits an all-time high worldwide.
We don't have the data, but we're betting a lot of these searches came from mobile in the middle of the night!

April 13: "Did we flatten the curve yet?" searches are 4x the past day in the US.
(Translation: It was relaxing getting to work from home for a bit, but we're getting restless quick.)

April 14: "How to keep kids busy during quarantine" and "home science experiments for kids" searches are skyrocketing worldwide and in the US, respectively.
And by we're getting restless, we mean ALL of us. (Help!)

April 14: "West coast reopening plan" is a breakout search in the US over the past day.
There is hope, people! ?

April 16: "Buzz cut" search reaches an all-time high worldwide.
At this point, just shave it all off.

April 16: "Vivid dreams during pandemic" search is up 1,300% over the past day in the US.
Thank goodness it isn't just us experiencing these. ?

April 17: "Reopening plan phases" is a breakout search worldwide.
More! Hope!

April 20: "Donate" search reaches highest peak ever worldwide, and "best charities to donate to for COVID 19" search is up 1,050 percent in the US over the past week.
It's not all insomnia and instant noodles, guys! ?

April 21: "Coffee" search reaches highest peak worldwide since 2004.
(Only 11 days after insomnia, you'll notice.)

April 22: "Should you wipe down groceries" search has tripled over the past month worldwide.
We never imagined we'd be at this point, and yet, we're not surprised?

April 22: "Virtual tour of national parks" search is up 700% over the past day in the US.
This is what family "vacation" planning looks like for summer 2020.

April 27: "Easy desserts to make during quarantine" searches are up 1,150% over the past week worldwide.
At this point, it's pretty clear that we're all going to need a little more dessert to get us through this. Luckily, whether you want stress baking recipes, or you're out of flour, eggs or butter, we've got you!

April 28: "Banana Bread" is the most searched recipe in all US states over the past month. (Which is why we've linked to 6 different versions below!) ???
Let's call this the acceptance stage, or the time when we need comfort food the most.

- (Anything But) Basic Banana Bread Recipe
- Healthy Banana Bread Recipe
- Roasted Banana Bread
- Rice Cooker Banana Bread
- Nutella Banana Bread
- Bananas Foster Bread
April 29: "Virtual prom" search is up 1,800% from the past month in the US.
Hot Take: You'll still only wear the dress once, so maybe it's not that different?